Wednesday, June 27, 2012

3 Steps to Deal With Car Phobias in Dogs |

Usually there is nothing greater to the traveling dog owner than the chance to take one’s pooch along. But, what happens when your dog will not get into a car, or exhibit such strong signs of anxiety that you feel guilty about the trip? Unfortunately, many dogs are afraid of cars which leaves their owners frustrated when it’s time to go somewhere, but would like to point out that all hope is not lost. Here are some simple tips to help with the situation. Three Tips To Dealing With Car Phobias

1. Start getting the pooch used to the car long before it's necessary. The first thing to do is work on getting the dog inside the vehicle, but do not go anywhere or close the door, just stay stationary while your dog is getting comfortable. A great way to get the dog into the vehicle is by putting treats, a favorite blanket, or favorite toy inside with the hopes of the dog following. Someone can also go inside the car to encourage the dog to get in.

It is imperative that the dog sees when the treat or object is placed inside the vehicle to arouse interest, and he or she should be petted, praised, and given a treat after getting in to confirm their good behavior. would also like to point out that owners will need to be patient as this can take some time. Lifting the dog into the vehicle is another option, but be sure to comfort the dog the minute he or she is inside, then give a reward after the pooch relaxes. Continue to pet and praise until the dog is fine and continue to practice this for a few days before moving to a next step.

2. sees this step as a chance to acquaint the dog with the sound of the vehicle, or to get the pooch to see that it is perfectly safe. Close the door and start the car once the dog is settled but do not move. Watch for signs of stress and work to calm the pooch, treat again once he or she is completely relaxed, and just talk to the dog. If the dog stays calm the next time he or she gets into the car and it is turned on then it is time for the next phase.

3. recommends that this starts out at just a few minutes then extends into longer periods leading up to the trip. Step three is where the car leaves the driveway. Take a short trip around the neighborhood then head back home; signs of stress should again be detected and alleviated so it may be best to have two persons so the driver can focus on road safety. Once this is fine, the trips can get longer and the dog can even be taken on errands.

Safety First strongly recommends that the proper safety tools be used. These include crates, harnesses, and safety seats depending on the pooch’s size and the owner’s preference. Also, owners should never transport a dog on their lap if they are the ones driving, it is best to keep windows rolled up especially since the dog could be nervous enough to try to escape, and dogs should not be allowed to stick their heads out the window.

Dogs are afraid of many things, and while some fears seem understandable, others can be tricky. However, what needs to be understood is that a fear is usually brought on by an experience, however, it usually lingers because we do not address the issues the way we ought to. recommends that owners refrain from enabling the reaction. That said, only give treats after the dog calms down because rewarding the dog to get cooperation will reinforce the reaction. Also, owners must be prepared to exercise patience, be confident since dogs feed off negative energy, and they should be willing to try whatever is necessary.

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